A downloadable soundtrack

In loyalty and servitude to her.

An intro to feminism. pt. 3. mynewlywed. I used Lingua Ignota or Kristin Hayters image as the cover art for this song due to her experience of s3xual assault by alexis marshall from the band daughters being dismissed. 

Here is a link to her IMPACT STATEMENT talking about her experiences with him. 

KRISTIN HAYTER - IMPACT STATEMENT: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RashVW63u0JVl2WhjeUTo3nrnPgh4_sQpKF2j-6_iy0/... 

It goes to show that we live in a world where women are doubted since they are young when trying to reach out for help in these cases yet we wonder why women dont talk about these experiences. Please make sure to support her amazing work. 

This image was found on her instagram: @lingua_ignota. 

mynewlywed is a song about relationships. I want to promote monogamy in combat of the redpill podcasts promoting infidelity. I thought that the raccoons were a wholesome and non s3xual way of representing women in relationships as media is commonly known to do. Therefore, I promote marriage and true loyalty to your wife. There is nothing better than for the both of you to be in servitude of one another. I am striving to keep making change for our women. 

Streaming services:


Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/y-761461325/mynewlywed

Bandcamp: https://voltmea.bandcamp.com/track/mynewlywed

feminism. pt. 3 is in the works, which will also include some very talented artists, completing the trilogy of the feminism series. This album in particular will be inspired by Greaf from TeamSESH and CRIM3S.

I appreciate all the support from many different people over an discord. I will make a video thanking everyone personally as well. 

I am very sorry to any woman who has been a victim to human trafficking, s3xual assault, emotional and/or physical abuse as well as anything else you may have experienced from misogyny and the experience in being a woman. 

feminism pt. 1 & 2 are now out on Spotify! Thank you all again for the support on this continuing series. 

feminism. pt. 1: https://open.spotify.com/album/2LNRioCMxzp6MBwLJ6XSRJ 

feminism. pt. 2: https://open.spotify.com/album/2vElbRtkoYxBXc8a7g7xm2 

Other streaming services are also down below. 

feminism. pt. 1: 

1. i want to see women be happy. 

2. rate me. 

3. you've always been the one for me. 

4. morals. 

YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLH4vlNvoRkLGG-N7POlaI6JpAsQUSWZy0&si=NXivUcgW... 

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/y-761461325/sets/feminism-pt-1 

Itch.io: https://voltmea.itch.io/feminism-pt-1 

Bandcamp: https://voltmea.bandcamp.com/album/feminism-pt-1-2 

feminism. pt. 2: 

1. talk to me as much as you need to.

2. traverser. 

3. center. 

4. her. 


Bandcamp: https://voltmea.bandcamp.com/album/feminism-pt-2 

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/y-761461325/sets/feminism-pt-2 

Itch.io: https://voltmea.itch.io/feminism-pt-2 

If you have been impacted as a woman and need someone to talk to. You can message me on discord: voltmea#2830 and instagram: voltmeainthemix 

#womensempowerment #malefeminist #feminism #saawareness #conscious #womenshealth #empowerment #music #relationship #love #linguaignota #kristinhayter 

Additional Keywords: what is feminism, trending videos, discrimination, women, equal rights. 

feminism pt. 1 & 2: 

Released December 12, 2024. 

Released on streaming services on December 29, 2024. 

© VoltMea - all rights reserved.


my_newlywed.wav 23 MB